Health discipline that deals with the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with various types of problems (musculoskeletal, postural, neurological), both in the acute and chronic phase, through manual non-pharmacological therapies, exercises and instrumental therapies.
Physiotherapy is useful for alleviating or resolving painful symptoms, regaining complete movement capacity by restoring correct motor and functional synergies, learning the best preventive strategies to avoid or limit a flare-up of the treated problem and recovering a working and relational life as normal as possible. .
Postural rehabilitation : postural problems of working, sporting, tensional, somatoemotional nature.
Musculoskeletal rehabilitation : spinal problems (cervical pain, lumbago...), spinal problems with radiation down upper and lower limbs (cervicobrachialgia, lumbosciatica...), tendinitis, arthritic problems, congenital musculoskeletal problems
(flat foot, knee valgus, scoliosis...), muscle contractures.
Post-surgical rehabilitation : outcomes of lower and upper limb prosthetic surgery, outcomes of fracture reductions, nerve decompression interventions (carpal tunnel...), outcomes of spinal surgery (stabilizations, herniectomies...), capsulo-ligament apparatus interventions (cruciate ligament, tendons shoulder rotator cuff...).
Post-traumatic rehabilitation : outcomes of spinal trauma (whiplash...), outcomes of fractures, capsulo-ligament injuries (ankle/knee sprain, shoulder dislocation...).
Neurological rehabilitation : Parkinson's disease, hemiplegia, facial nerve paralysis and in general all problems involving alterations in movement and balance.
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