The structural balance of the newborn can be disturbed by compressive and tensile forces imprinted in the tissues
during the labor and expulsion phase, or from poor positioning in the uterus.
Through light palpation, the osteopath evaluates the various tissues (bone, visceral, fascial) and fluid dynamics that may have undergone structural and functional alteration. The most common symptoms that may make you think your newborn needs
help from an osteopath are: colic, reflux, sleep disorders, stiff neck, plagiocephaly.
During the pediatric age the osteopath can help children's tissues to have the best possible adaptive capacity in case of recurrent broncho-pulmonary and ENT problems (such as ear infections or sinusitis); it can also monitor growth to intercept cases of scoliosis, support dentists in the treatment of dental malocclusions and ophthalmologists or orthoptists in vision problems.

For info and reservations write an email to federica.cappellini@gmail.com
or call +39 348 4940672