Discipline that deals with evaluating and treating the organism as a whole,
without limiting itself to painful symptoms.
Osteopathy lays its foundations in the anatomical-physiological correlations of the organism, seeking the causes of the
disorders and stimulating the body's self-healing ability.
The osteopath uses manual manipulative techniques to evaluate and treat the musculoskeletal, visceral,
fascial and cranio-sacral, to have a complete and interconnected vision of the body,
both from a curative and preventive perspective.
Indications for osteopathic treatment: joint, muscular and postural problems, headaches,
spinal problems, neuralgia, congestive conditions (ear infections, gynecological disorders,
digestive problems...), neonatal problems (reflux, colic, sleep disorders, plagiocephaly).

For info and reservations write an email to federica.cappellini@gmail.com
or call +39 348 4940672